Monday, November 10, 2014

Prime the panels with the black spray paint. Once dry put on 2 coats of black paint.

I chose to cut the dowels to the size I wanted, and then spray them gold. Do this so you can spray the ends to avoid raw wood edges.

"Paint" on the size adhesive and let dry. Apply the gold leaf. I cut the sheets to size to make it easier. You can also "roll" the dowels on the sheet for easy application.

Once you have gold leafed the dowels, you MUST seal them with a spray lacquer. The gold will tarnish if you do not complete this step.

Arrange the dowels in whatever pattern you choose. I used Epoxy to glue them to the panel.

I put 3 hinges on each screen. This is helpful to have an extra set of hands to help hold the screen as you apply the hinges. Hint: pre-drill pilot holes for the screws.

Total cost for materials:   $160.48

Later in the week I will post tutorials for the console, sconces, and floor cloth.

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